Saturday, 10 September 2016

The good kind of rapid cell division

Every year I go for a few scans and blood tests to make sure that I am still in remission and that I have no unwanted cell growth. For some reason, even though the tests are really quick and easy, the whole concept of diagnostic testing makes me irritable and uneasy. It is a bit like searching for mines -you know the government probably removed all of them but there is always that chance that BAM! I suppose it doesn't help that I tote along a few kids to all the appointments. A few months ago I went for the yearly screening and the ultrasound technician happily informed me that everything looked good and all my cells were behaving as they should. It was all the more jolly because he was the chattiest friendliest ultrasound technician I have ever met.

But when I think about it he was technically wrong. As he reassured me with his smiles and geniality my cells were in a frenzy of multiplication. They were and still are working around the clock to construct a massive moving breathing living cuddling growth. Thankfully this is a benign and happy sort of growth that will remove itself in due time.

Around the same time I also had the privilege of going to an adult only night at Questacon - our national science museum. After learning all about artificially inseminating animals I went to listen to someone present about parasites. There were two young adults there with eyes and ears wide open with intrigue. They oohed and ahhed as the presenter presented each new parasite comparing notes on which were the most disgusting and which might be alright to have. And then the presenter began discussing ways in which the human fetus acts like a parasite. They both turned to each other, nodded, grimaced, and said "this one is definitely the worst." This was nearly as entertaining to me as watching the video of a zoologist obtaining sperm from an elephant.

Luckily, we are quite pleased about our little incoming person and wanted to share our happy anticipation. Also, we wanted to avoid that thing that happens when we visit friends and they are surprised that we have a one year old they never even knew existed. And given that we will likely have three birthdays to celebrate during the December holiday period we want to invite everyone over for cake in December at our place (wherever that might be) for evermore. Though I am open to making cake for visitors in other months too.

I asked the technician for a small print to show Aurora and we got this

Jakob literally had to jump out from behind a bush to get this photo


  1. Congrats on your cancer-like parasite! Amaze-balls. As is tradition, you must move to another corner of the globe now.

    1. Yup guess you know us well- once the baby comes we will be heading out to travel for awhile. Maybe we will get to see you soon?

  2. So great, Tamar. Kristin, who can tell better from that "photo" than most, and who can't posts to work here, has pronounced the baby distinctly handsome.

  3. You guys are just great! The more of you the better!
