Monday, 31 August 2015

12 year walk from Coogee to Bondi

As it happens, our first day in Australia was our anniversary. As it happens, we like to walk. As it happens, there are lots of coastal walks in Sydney. So it really didn't take much deciding to figure out how to celebrate our love. The Coogee to Bondi route is so popular that we sometimes had to lift our elbows just a bit to manage to get our stroller by.  Luckily the traffic was made up of happy people all looking to spend their Sunny Saturday walking from beach to beach. 
The beaches, one for every two years of blissful matrimony, were incredible. Some had perfectly placed stones to create little pools for the little offspring of happy couples. And all of them had swarms of surfers to entertain the beachers with their stunts and their determination in the face of the massive waves. I sort of thought Australians would be wary of the ocean given all the danger signs posted everywhere. But it was the complete opposite. Every beach was a storybook romance of a people with the coast. I sat stunned as Aussie after Aussie stripped off clothes, ran down the sand, and dove head first into the waves. Stunned as troops of swimmers swam so far from the shore I could have mistaken them for ocean foam. These people are for real! 
By the end of the day Jakob was happily diving into waves and Aurora and Sophia gloated over their swim in the salt water ocean pool. Tova and I waded in the water taking breaks to pour mud on each other thinking long and hard about how we would have to reform our behaviors to fit into our new lives. I'd like to say we topped of our incredible day with an incredible evening. But really after those beaches what more did we need but an early jet lagged induced slumber.

1 comment:

  1. yay! you've already found some of my favourite places in Sydney - the Harbor, and Coogee to Bondi walk. Pancakes on the Rocks is a good pancake diner :-) - Joelle
