Saturday, 16 December 2023

Italian Islands: Part 2

Going from Sicily to Sardinia, though both are part of the same country and both large Mediterranean islands (first and second largest in the Mediterranean), felt like a big shift. Where Palermo was all bustle and chaos amid crumbling buildings and astounding old churches, Cagliari is quiet and tidy and goes to bed at night. Aside from aisles of pasta and passata in the grocery stores and the singsong Italian, we felt more like we'd arrived in France or Spain. Which makes sense! We are much closer to Corsica than Italy, and Sardinia was ruled by both the Spanish and the French at some point. Even now, the island maintains some legal autonomy from the rest of Italy. Our first day in town saw us hiking on a headland overlooking the vast Poetta beach and coastline. Jakob professed his love for the island on that headland - "I could live here." We aren't moving to Sardinia, but we are getting a very good idea of Jakob's 'type'  (previous places he said this included Fethiye and Las Palmas)- quiet, coastal, semi-arid, with mountains. Curiously, a bit like where I am from...


  1. Wow this looks great and what an amazing climbing gym (the sisters). Sounds like a grand place…did you actually try the maggot cheese?

    1. Unfortunately due to health hazards it is illegal to sell the maggot cheese and We didn’t stay long enough to get some via social networking. Next time!
